Thursday, August 26, 2010


The issue with Emily saving the trees was stuck in my head so I did some research. Back in December the Municipality brought forward a by-law to amend a by -law "WHICH MAY BE CITED AS THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH PERTH." They passed this off as just being a "housekeeping by-law" and of no real importance, I should know better by now. But if anyone like my self has read it, they would have realized it is a 14 page document that makes many changes in North Perth without consultation, hearings or the knowledge of most taxpayers and some people that it affects. It is not a housekeeping by-law.
To my point about Emily, deep inside the document on page 13 is a paragragh that states in part "That all woodlots that are between 1 hectare(2.47 acres) and 3.99 hectares (9.86 acres in size in the Wallace ward and the Elma ward of the Municipality of North Perth shall be removed from the Agricultural zone and placed in the Natural enviroment Resources Zone 2. By being placed in this zone the permit uses are conservation,forestry and existing uses.
Ironic that they passed this by law but forgot to include Listowel and the woodlots there, or the 6 acre woodlot that Terrier Inc wants to turn into a subdivision Kinda makes you wonder how up and up our Council is. Only time and an election will tell

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