Friday, August 26, 2011


The path of the Light Warrior is lonely;
Filled with loss, rejection and pain.
The Light Warrior illuminates the darkest of corners and;
stands steadfast while others wane.

The Light Warrior carries no sword or shield;
For their Light leads the way.
No darkness can penetrate it's warm glow and;
nothing can withstand its rays.

Courage outshines fear and;
Love triumphs over suffering and trial.
The Light Warrior is armed with Truth and;
Strength will always prevail.

There is little reward for the Light Warrior;
Here in this misery.
Except their light burns ever brighter;
For the enlightened ones to see.

Walk on with courage Warrior of Light;
For our numbers are few.
Shine your light more brightly;
So we may see justice, peace and truth.

Know that you are loved and honoured;
For the sacrifice you make herein,
Nothing on earth is as valuable,
as the Light you hold within.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


To the Editor
RE:Lack of change frustrating
I read with interest the views of Bill Smith from Monkton last week in the Banner. I must agree with his view that the taxpayers decided with the last election that change was needed in North Perth.
The previous council was dysfunctional at best, as I have learned personally over the last few yeaars. With the new council we are looking for an honest and transparent municipal council that is capable of making the hard decisions that are fair to all taxpayers of North Perth, not just the selected few.
A Code of Conduct would be a great start, but just that a start. Much more needs to be done to correct some of the issues I have personally witnessed. Council needs to take back control of the municipal office to avoid further embarrassment for mistakes that are made.
I think we have voted in some very good and capable people for council who now have some very hard issues and mistakes from the previous council that need to be resolved. And although they are hard decisions, they should be resolved to be fair to all.
I think Smith spoke for alot of taxpayers in North Perth in his letter and hopefully council is listening. We are willing to give them a chance to make the changes that are needed, but we do need to see that changes are being made.
Sherrie McTaggart

Sunday, August 14, 2011

THE BIG SALE IS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!

For all those people like me who love to knit or crochet the big sale is here again. From August 15 to 27 the annual Spinrite Tent Sale will be giving us incredible savings. New this year on August 20 "Moonlight Yarn Mania" with an outdoor movie on a 25 ft screen. Eat, Pray, Love with Julie Roberts will be showing and the tents will be open until 10 pm. On Saturday meet the designers from 11am to 3pm and from 5pm to 10pm it will be the first annual knitout so bring your knitting or crocheting and lawn chairs and knit while you watch the movie. For anyone who has not attended this event it is a great way to stock up on all kinds of yarn and accessories and great savings.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


A Community Improvement Plan and Streetscape Design Project for three North Perth communities is moving forward.
CAO Kriss Snell says volunteers groups currently invest a lot of funds and effort to enhance the appearance of the downtown areas in Listowel, Atwood and Monkton but no defined plan or coordination exists.
Snell indicates the process will involve the hiring of a consultant and opportunities for public input.
He stresses the importance of establishing what is the "best bang for the taxpayers dollars" when it comes to things like street signage as well as lighting and tree replacement.
Snell estimates the North Perth Community Improvement Plan and Streetscape Design project will cost between $25,000 and $30,000 dollars.
He is hopeful already secured funding through the Province's Rural Economic Development Program can be reallocated to cover half the cost

Tuesday, August 2, 2011



In reference to the correction last week in our local newspaper,it seems once again our Listowel Banner seems to have a problem doing something as simple as reporting the facts.Even more worrisome is the accomplishments or the lack thereof,of our recently elected council.

Over the past 4 years we had a council that was dysfunctional and many of those who were defeated last October were at best self serving or upholding the interest of their friends instead of the general population of North Perth.

In 2010 we fixed that ,by electing essentially a new council with the hope they would clean up the messes of the past.Well so far our hopes were misplaced as evidenced by the fact that many old issuse remain outstanding as indicated in the letter by Mr.Scott

I have spoken to a couple of councillors' things don't seem to be progressing and l can only suspect that is because we still have the same administration.There are many of us if not the majority of our citizen, that have been frustrated by the bloated, lack of customer sevice crew we currently have in our town hall. The councillors that I voted for were going to fix that . Nothing has been done to date.

The councillors I voted for were going to pass a Code of Conduct for council so we would finally have accountability and transparency.Nothing has been done to date.

The councillors I voted for were going to clean up the messes of the past council and the Scott legal issue was one of them, and yet again, nothing has been done to date.I was told by one councillor that staff have said council cannot make any decision regarding this legal isssue.It seems to me that the tail is wagging the dog.It is council that should be telling staff what to do and what can be done instead if vis a versa.

So what has council accomplished?? I keep looking for answers but as each week passes and the letters to the editor in the local paper,the answer is obviously, nothing ! We voted for change, we voted for people who will take charge, and voted for people who will move this coummunity forward.

It is time to live up to your election promises and make a difference

Bill Smith

Monday, August 1, 2011


Developing wings of patience, perseverance
We all wish that our daily struggles would go away. But when the going gets tough, many of us wish we could develop wings and just fly away from all of our trials and tribulations until things settle down and we can once again return to some semblance of peace and tranquility.

However, as most of us know, it doesn't usually quite work that way. Most of us go through periods of extreme hardship in our lives. And then, if we're lucky, we go through periods which are less trial-filled and we could just sit back and relax a bit more. However, what if we're like some people (hopefully a very few) who have constant trials to endure. What then? How can we build wings of patience and perseverance to help ourselves get through these times? Well, here are a few tips that can help us along.

1. Be patient. Sometimes our problems will go away if we take them one day at a time and try and focus on as much positive energy as possible. Psychologists say that what we focus on ends up growing. So, if we focus on only the negative aspects of our life, they will grow. If, on the other hand, we choose to stay positive even when trying times occur, we will probably feel better and be much better able to handle the difficulties that we are facing.

2. Practise perseverance as much as possible. It is always easy to give up and to say: It's over....I'm out of here! However, it is much harder to try and persevere amidst hardship. It is never easy to persevere, and the bigger our problem, the harder it can be to practise perseverance. However, perseverance is important so that we don't feel totally destroyed by a situation. If we are impatient, we will only be badgering ourselves and we'll feel increasingly out of control.

3. Try to make the best out of even the most difficult situations. It is never easy to hope for the best, much less to bring it about. But many times, a positive attitude can help substantially when we're in the middle of very difficult and trying times. You may even want to try taking a deep breath and saying a prayer. Sometimes standing back in this way can really help us to come to terms with a bad situation.

4. Try not to think that the worst case scenario will happen. Instead, prepare for some really good things to happen, even if we're not sure that they will. They just might. you never know. But if we think that the worst case will happen, guess what folks...the negative things will occur. It'll be hard in the beginning because it is easier for us to be negative than positive. But once we taste the positive effects of a positive overall attitude, our life will change for the better.

So, hard times will come folks. We have little control over most of those times. But we do have control over is our attitude and how we will handle the hard situations as they come into our lives. So, let's stay positive and hopeful. It will work wonders for all of us!

Irene Roth has a master's degree in philosophy from York University, Toronto, specializing in psychology, character development and ethics. She is currently working on her doctorate in philosophical psychology. She has over 200 published Ezine articles on all aspects of character development and self-esteem issues for teens and adults. She lives in Stratford with her husband.