Tuesday, August 2, 2011



In reference to the correction last week in our local newspaper,it seems once again our Listowel Banner seems to have a problem doing something as simple as reporting the facts.Even more worrisome is the accomplishments or the lack thereof,of our recently elected council.

Over the past 4 years we had a council that was dysfunctional and many of those who were defeated last October were at best self serving or upholding the interest of their friends instead of the general population of North Perth.

In 2010 we fixed that ,by electing essentially a new council with the hope they would clean up the messes of the past.Well so far our hopes were misplaced as evidenced by the fact that many old issuse remain outstanding as indicated in the letter by Mr.Scott

I have spoken to a couple of councillors' things don't seem to be progressing and l can only suspect that is because we still have the same administration.There are many of us if not the majority of our citizen, that have been frustrated by the bloated, lack of customer sevice crew we currently have in our town hall. The councillors that I voted for were going to fix that . Nothing has been done to date.

The councillors I voted for were going to pass a Code of Conduct for council so we would finally have accountability and transparency.Nothing has been done to date.

The councillors I voted for were going to clean up the messes of the past council and the Scott legal issue was one of them, and yet again, nothing has been done to date.I was told by one councillor that staff have said council cannot make any decision regarding this legal isssue.It seems to me that the tail is wagging the dog.It is council that should be telling staff what to do and what can be done instead if vis a versa.

So what has council accomplished?? I keep looking for answers but as each week passes and the letters to the editor in the local paper,the answer is obviously, nothing ! We voted for change, we voted for people who will take charge, and voted for people who will move this coummunity forward.

It is time to live up to your election promises and make a difference

Bill Smith


Alan said...

I expect that the majority of Municipal Councils do not end up following through on election promises. Here in Woolwich Township (Elmira/St. Jacobs & smaller towns), after an incredibly slow start our Council seem to be coming into their own. They are fighting the proliferation of gravel pits and even seem to be getting firm with Uniroyal/Chemtura. Hallelujah!

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