Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Well we have Jeff Bannerman, Robert Martin, Atwood resident Dave Ludington and now Matt Duncan also of Atwood, who has also thrown his hat into the race. Things are looking up but we still need one more person to run to bring some new ideas, stronger support for the people of Atwood and to get rid of part of the old boys club.


Anonymous said...

Kenneth Buchanan from Atwood was nominated yesterday, for councillor in Elma.

Anonymous said...

Do you have to be a resident to be a councillor?
I heard a rumour Robert Martin is not anymore. He is in a new house on the other side of the road.

Anonymous said...

sherrie when are you going to put you name in?

Anonymous said...

You no longer have to be a resident to run for a seat. Bannerman is also not from Elma as far as I know. As for me running for council....I am still thinking about it. I do not know if I could affect change as much on council as I do now. Sherrie