Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am looking out my window as the light fluffy flakes of snow fall to the ground. I live in what people affectionately call the snow belt. 4 months of unpredictable stormy weather and bone chilling temperatures to come. Last winter was a good winter and although we hope for another one like it, we know it is unlikely. And finally at noon a snowplow/road grader finally comes by to move the several inches of snow on the road. Lets see how badly he snows me in this year. My unique property, my home ( and previously a horse barn) is very close to the road and most years I have to dig my way out the front door, which is six feet from the road. Not much room to pile the large amounts of snow we get.
Well he is back to do the second run on the street,my side, and surprise, it may be a good year. He did not move the snow any farther than neccessary. I may not have to dig my way out. YET

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