Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I just love this man writing..........enjoy the read

A week from tonight there will be a big meeting at the community centre in Atwood to talk about wind energy.
If you are one of those people sitting on the fence when it comes to wind energy and are seeking impartial, unbiased objective data when it comes to windmills, this might not be the place for you. Let's be honest, the place is going to packed with wind energy opponents.
The "public town hall " meeting has been called by Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece who was elected primarily because of votes in rural areas of the riding where there is a significant anti-wind energy sentiment.
His positon on wind energy has been clear from the outset.
"When it comes to wind turbines, the McGuinty government has not been serious about consulting the public", Pettapiece said in a press release announcing the meeting.
"If they won't, we will.
Huron-Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson will also speak at the meeting. She is the Conservatives' critic charged with leading the opposition to the Liberals' Green Energy Act.
Nippissing MPP Vic Fedeli will also be at the meeting. He is the Tories critic for energy.
Talk about preaching to the choir.
Those opposed to wind energy have done a good job of organizing and there are citizens groups opposed to turbines in Perth East, West perth, NorthPerth and Huron East.
But there are pro-wind people out there.
There are farmers that have agreed to wind mills on their property. There are companies that are in the wind energy business and there are apparently way more studies that say wind energy is safe than there are that say it's a legitimate health risk, but they are drowned out by the wind opponents.
It's all well and good and politcally astute for the Conservatives to galvanize the wind opposition in this part of the country.
But no one, including the Conservatives, if they are honest, expects to hear both sides of the wind energy issue in Atwood.
Just as defeated MPP John Wilkinson declined to go to face a stacked deck during an all-candidates debate over wind energy issues in Arthur, those on the positive side of the wind issue will be no where near Atwood next Wednesday.
That is fine and those who have concerns about wind energy, whether those fears are real or imagined, and the politicians who have called the meeting, are fully aware of what this meeting really is.
It is a rally for those opposed to wind energy and a chance to bolster support for the politicians that have rode that opposition to office.
And, if you are one of those people looking for unbiased discussion and unfettered facts about wind energy, you can probably pass on the short trip to Atwood and not miss much.

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