Monday, January 16, 2012


Happy Monday to day started with a phone call from the Listowel Ontario Provincial Police. Just what everyone wants....right or am I wrong. It appears that the Municipality of North Perth has made a frivolous complaint to the Police that this 5 foot 2 inch girl is threatening and could be somewhat deranged and could cause harm to the employees of North Perth because of some emails. Now is it that the EMPLOYEES are concerned they will get a paper cut if they print the emails or is it that sticks and stones will break my bones or that words will ALWAYS hurt me. Some of us know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. SERIOUSLY NORTH PERTH HAS IT WORKED UP UNTIL NOW, I am still here and this did not help your situation any. Just shows that you think bullying works.......and bullys are just cowards.


Alan said...

I can identify with this attempt to label you as "a threat". Imagine Sherrie if you were closer to 6 foot 2 inches as I am, and as a male, the attempts to label you as a threat by various authorities (school board for example). I had a Trustee phone me up years ago, whom I knew. He was all breathless and shocked. Apparently via some local police officers and others he had heard that I allegedly owned a gun. He asked me if this was true. Now I repeat I know this fellow and he lived on a small farm nearby so I took a gamble and said "Bob I'll answer your question AFTER you answer the very same question first." There was stunned silence and then he started sputtering about a single shot .22 rifle he owned to shoot rats in his barn. After he stopped defending and justifying himself, he then admitted that he'd overeacted regarding the whole situation.


Thanks Alan,they did ask if I owned a gun and I said no but could get one if needed except I am not that type of person. If I was going to lose it it may have been during the 2 search warrants or anytime before now. Bullys are just cowards. I think this is just the only thing they have to get me with now that I have lost my home my business and investment which they can no longer take and it is pretty petty and childish and not very business like. They should be ashamed of themselves and the council should be embarrassed by their staff

Alan said...

Agreed but these kinds of people rarely are ashamed or embarassed by their behaviour.


Unfortunately Alan you are so correct, and sad when that is the norm

Anonymous said...

I recall a dear friend with a business here in town was met with a customer who was obviously very drunk demanding service. She explained that she'd forgotten to lock up and that they were closed for business now. She suggested he return another day.

The drunk customer who was about 6 feet and quite over weight became belligerent demanding immediate service.

The poor woman barely 5 feet in height refused and grabbed a broom to protect herself and insist the drunken customer LEAVE immediately.

She used her broom on him and called the police. Do you know the police charged this poor woman who is barely 5 feet high and a mere wisp of a with Assault and Battery?

She had to pay out thousands of dollars in lawyer fees to defend herself!

When it finally got to a Judge he threw it out with some choice words directly to our local police.


Thank you for the comment. Sometimes you just wonder where common sense went