Monday, January 2, 2012


Water rate increase approved by council
December 21, 2011

NORTH PERTH – Residents of North Perth will be facing higher water and sewer rates after council approved an increase be phased in. Frances Hale, director of finance, presented a report at the Dec. 12 meeting of North Perth council, providing details on the increased rates. Hale said the increase was recommended after a study by BM Ross was presented to council in January this year, showing the rates needed to keep the water and wastewater system self-sustainable. After an initial proposal from Hale was deemed too high by council, a second option was presented a week later. "I do stress my concern that we are taking quite a time to catch up to the rates that we should have today," Hale said. "However, I do also understand council’s concern."Based on an average water usage of 18 cubic metres, a water and sewer customer paying $79.43 bi-monthly in 2011 would pay $87.94 next year, an increase of about $50 a year. The scheduled rate for 2016 is $129.35 bi-monthly for the same usage. Hale said other municipalities are facing the same increases as North Perth, and the rates are comparable with theirs. "We might have a little higher percentage increase, but compared to some of our neighbours, we’re still very reasonable," Hale said. "I just had a look at Stratford and we’re not crazy in comparison."... Please read more in this weeks Listowel Banner


Anonymous said...

I think 2 of our 3 new councillors are just along for the ride. Mr Ludington at least appears to be trying.


It appears that Dave is doing a good job and did raise that Atwood residents were told there would not be a rate increase considering how much they are paying for sewers.Again the people of Atwood have been lied to. Someone needs to stop the non stop lying at North perth. They all have it down to a fine art and council is believing them, hence the problems they have

Anonymous said...

Besides the obvious problems with transparency and forewarning, I think we also need to stop this constant comparison of our costs to others. You can always find other areas of the province where things are more hopes. But does this mean that those areas have made sound decisions? Further, are we comparing apples to apples? Stop with the constant comparison to others. I do not frankly care what the people of Stratford pay for their services, I care what the people of my community pay for ours.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment. Very well stated