Monday, January 30, 2012

Council looks at 7.5% budget increase

Tonight the Municipality of North Perth continues it long exhausting budget talks. Last week in the Listowel Banner in an article written by Andrew Smith, Councilor Warren Howard is quoted as saying "he suggested being a little tighter with this year's budget in light of the municipality's financial position." But Councilor Paul Horn responded by highlighting the importance of economic development and following through with the studies that are already paid for. Mayor Julie Behrns agreed with the need to improve the community as a whole".
For those of us that pay attention to municipal politics, like me, Councilor Howard is right on with his remark. The Municipality has extended itself to the end of the rope and financially is not really in a position where a tax increase would be even a dream, it is reality. Taxes will be increasing and by how much? Councilor Horn is correct to want all the expensive and useless studies put to use. Including the expensive and usless study to get the new arena that most people do not want ...:..........and why you say........ because no one can afford it. Get a grip North money tree is empty......that would be your tree too........ and it is empty!!!!!!!!

Just my opinion

Friday, January 27, 2012


A very interesting blog, great reading by an interesting man. Check it out


It all started with a renovation to my building in December of 2010. We decided to update the hydro and put in new outdoor services for both stores. We had an outstanding bill for hydro and they were getting ready to disconnect the hydro. So I let them, saving me the $195.00 disconnection fee. Renovations took place and due to circumstance beyond my control the renovation came to a screaming halt. The new services were outside instead of inside, the smart meter was disconnected from the building and there was no wire from the hydro pole to the building. No hydro at all, anywhere. Then the bills for hydro started coming in, estimated for hydro usage.
Which brings me to here. It has taken over a year and many phone calls to my hydro provider, oh heck, Hydro One, after what I have been through I will use your name, to finally get them to bring my bill down to zero after hounding me for the $1000.00 approximately that they said I owed for hydro usage at a property, that had no hydro.When I refused on several occasions to pay the outstanding bill bill they would send out a hydro crew with two men to disconnect the already disconnected hydro. Yes I was laughing in my head. I was also laughing when more hydro staff was sent out to make sure I was telling the truth when I repeated the story about no meter, no hydro, for the I do not know how many times. After months go by and I am still trying to get the bill corrected I am told that the bill will not be corrected until I hand over the smart/dumb meter. I was accused of holding it hostage and for some reasons I do not understand it is very important for them to get it back. After what seems like forever and many calls with Hydro One and frustration taking over I filed a complaint with the Ontario Enegry Board and within a month the issue was resolved. I felt that Hydro One had a contract with me to deliver hydro and for that service I would pay the bill. There was no hydro delivered so why should there be a bill. But it took me over a year and some really rude and nasty hydro employees and the Ontario Energy Board to get the issues resolved. Oh and the other laugh in my head was when Hydro One made an offer to cut the bill in half. SERIOUSLY..............
So yesterdays phone call from the very friendly Hydro One employee was the reason I stand my ground for what is right. My bill has been corrected which is all I wanted in the first place.
So the moral of the story is to stand your ground for what you know is the truth. As much as people do not want it to be the truth it still is

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Thought for today is..........
There is book smart..........


Mississauga resident banned from complaining to anyone but the mayor
Posted: 20 Jan 2012 09:24 AM PST
This ran in the Star……….. comments invited below
Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion has issued a directive forbidding a former resident’s association president from contacting anyone at City Hall but the mayor with her concerns, which range from bylaw violations to the city’s 311 service.
"The last time I checked, we live in a democratic country," said an incredulous Jean Overell, whom McCallion described as having been disrespectful to city staff while filing her numerous complaints.
Overell appeared at Wednesday’s council meeting seeking an explanation as to why she has been cut off from speaking to her own councillor, or anyone but the mayor’s office. She was first informed about the arrangement in mid-November, by the mayor. When she made a call to McCallion in December to air a complaint, she said, McCallion "bullied and intimidated" her for calling.
McCallion later told the Star: "It’s not bullying. I took a very strong stand."
"The policy that I put in place will remain, that you will call the mayor’s office," McCallion stated, after Overell asked how such an action could be taken. The mayor had said earlier that Overell’s calls to city staff and her ward councillor, Pat Mullin, were "far too numerous," kept them from dealing with other work, and that Overell’s behaviour violated the city’s Respectful Workplace policy.
Overell has made many complaints over the years, mostly about bylaw violations by construction work in her neighbourhood, where infill development has exploded.
She acknowledged to the Star that she had been "irate" with 311 operators a couple of times for not following through on her calls, but said, "I am always respectful when dealing with staff" and her councillor.
Mullin later told the Star that it was the mayor’s decision to deal with Overell exclusively. She said the unfortunate situation is due in large part to tension over constant construction that residents are dealing with.
"Wards 1 and 2 have had major impacts because of infill near residential streets. You will get five, six trucks at a time — you’re talking about established neighbourhoods," Mullin said.
"We have tried to talk to developers about not building on Sundays, not parking on streets. Builders have to understand that you can’t parachute into communities without abiding by the bylaws. I sympathize with residents. There are some streets in my ward where every house has been rebuilt."
That includes Overell’s street, which Mullin acknowledged has been "invaded" by an "onslaught" of development.
As to the heavy-handed action of cutting Overell off, "I have left it with the mayor," Mullin said. "I don’t do that ordinarily."
The councillor declined to comment on Overell’s conduct, even when told that Overell had complained Mullin wasn’t doing her job properly.
During council Overell said, "We need respect, not bullying at city hall. Is it city policy that residents are routinely banned from speaking to city hall and city staff?"
McCallion replied, "I was offering you a sort of deluxe service, to contact me and not call councillors or staff."
Since Overell isn’t legally compelled to follow the mayor’s instruction, McCallion was asked what would happen if someone else is contacted about a complaint. "You will have to wait for that decision," the mayor replied.–mississauga-resident-banned-from-complaining-to-anyone-but-the-mayor

Thursday, January 19, 2012


It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.
Watch out, I bite.
If I agreed with you we would both be wrong.
I could promise to be good ..................but why.
Do not blame me my evil twin did it.
Lead me not into temptation.........I can find it myself.
Believe in the beauty of your dreams.
A mothers heart is a garden of love.
A daughter is just a little girl who grew up to be a friend.
A son may outgrow your lap but never your heart.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Happy Monday to day started with a phone call from the Listowel Ontario Provincial Police. Just what everyone wants....right or am I wrong. It appears that the Municipality of North Perth has made a frivolous complaint to the Police that this 5 foot 2 inch girl is threatening and could be somewhat deranged and could cause harm to the employees of North Perth because of some emails. Now is it that the EMPLOYEES are concerned they will get a paper cut if they print the emails or is it that sticks and stones will break my bones or that words will ALWAYS hurt me. Some of us know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. SERIOUSLY NORTH PERTH HAS IT WORKED UP UNTIL NOW, I am still here and this did not help your situation any. Just shows that you think bullying works.......and bullys are just cowards.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

WOW! !!!!!!!!

It is amazing to me, at 6:13 this morning the North Perth Advocate had it's 10,000 view. It is amazing to me, a small town girl, that people are reading what I put on the site. Thank you all for taking an interest in things I find that are interesting. Come back again soon for a whole new year of intersting stuff. And please feel free to comment on anything, I enjoy the feedback and it helps me to bring different ideas together in one place

Friday, January 13, 2012



Stop the Arena Discussion
When is the Council of North Perth going to send a message to the Arena Committee with respect to understanding basic financial principles? This committee needs to be told if you don’t have the money you can’t spend it. But wait, all they have to do is keeping taxing the living hell out of us. There needs to be a taxpayer revolt or better yet, a clear direction to council to terminate this committee and it’s mandate.
The issue of the a new arena keeps coming to the forefront and various studies keeping costing us money when we know;
· We don’t need it
· We can’t afford it
· We can’t afford to maintain it.
And who is this proposed arena for? Council’s “New Complex Committee” believes they need it for the Listowel Cyclones .
North Perth is obviously too embarrassed to post their 2010 financial statements on the municipal website but based on the Financial Information Return (mandatory reporting required by the Provincial Government), North Perth now owes over $20,000,000. Yes, that is right folks 20 million dollars in short and long term debt. They only tax $7.5M annually and revenue sources like government grants are becoming as extinct as the dinosaurs. And if 2010 was less than stellar financial performance you can bet 2011 will be worse.
Let’s get this straight, the new arena is going to cost $17M plus pushing our debt and interest payments to their absolute maximum. This committee, is looking to us as taxpayers to pay the bill for something we as citizens will likely use once or twice a year or probably never. We have already built a Taj Mahal Fire Hall, new renovations to the municipal offices and now a new arena? If the existing arena needs fixing, then fix it!
The recent estimate is that it will only take $3M update our existing facility extending it useful life by15 to 20 years. It make me wonder how did we let the building and it’s facilities get in such poor condition. It makes me wonder if this was not scheme to force a new super facility onto the taxpayers?
What the community should be concerned about are the principles of transparency and accountability in a public meeting/forum not within a questionnaire that manipulates the public true feelings into distinct categories that fits the agenda of the New Complex Committee.
I seen have plenty of waste in our community over the past 5 years, but this is one project that this community doesn’t need and it can be stopped now. Council, look at your financial position and make a rational decision and terminate the discussion, planning or consultant report and this “runaway committee with respect to building a new arena.
Ron Scott


Wind energy issue will not blow over
January 11, 2012
The Listowel Banner has been carrying weekly editorial coverage recently on the local wind energy debate in the forms of interviews, photos, questions and answers and letters to the editor.Wind turbines are coming to North Perth and many folks don’t want them here. It’s time large companies stopped assuming this opinion is due to ignorance and began realizing it’s because these folks have, in fact, done their homework.They have to. Many feel they have no one to depend on but themselves when it comes to making the right decision about industrial wind turbines. Wind power companies and green energy proponents will say one thing, the government will say another, and industrial wind turbine opponents will say something different still.It comes down to this: many people want to err on the side of caution and say no to industrial wind turbines. It’s a good position to take in any arena where doubt lingers. One local farmer has come right out and said doubt has plagued him since he agreed to have a wind turbine, and now he regrets doing so. This newspaper does not claim to have the answers when it comes to wind turbines in this community. We’re striving to provide both sides of the wind energy debate, talking to those for and against, and giving both parties space on the front pages of our paper. But we must insist those questioning the development of large turbines here in North Perth are not even slightly as uneducated or fearful of change as many companies would have us believe.Look at a couple of common points discussed in the wind energy debate, such as the creation of low frequency noise (LFN).Information provided by explains LFN: “All noise travels through the air in ‘wave-like’ movements. LFN has long wavelengths that can travel further than high frequencies and often sounds like a deep rumble. HGV diesel engines create a certain amount of LFN. Although some wind farms create LFN in certain conditions, expert investigators have concluded that it is barely audible, is far less than road traffic, and is not a health issue.”Yet, many would beg to differ.It’s documented that at least 30 Ontario families claim to have been forced from their homes due to adverse side effects caused by nearby wind turbines and namely, LFN. These kinds of contradictions are rampant throughout the wind energy debate, leaving the public at a loss as to whom they can trust. Would that many families opt to uproot and leave their homes simply to prove a point? Would they go to those lengths to maintain their stories? Seems unlikely.The Banner received a copy of a letter by Eric Gillespie, a Toronto lawyer, addressed to the minister of the environment, among others. In it, Gillespie claims the MOE’s media release, “Expert Report Confirms No Direct Health Effects from Wind Turbines,” fails to provide full and accurate disclosure of potential health effects. Gillespie illustrates his point by stating the release refers to an MOE backgrounder claiming, “The best available science shows there is no direct health risk from wind turbine noise.”But expert testimony provided during a 2011 Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal led the ERT to decide: “This case has successfully shown that the debate should not be simplified to one about whether wind turbines can cause harm to humans. The evidence provided to the tribunal demonstrates that they can, if facilities are placed too close to residents. The debate has now evolved to one of degree.”Is the province being negligent in its report? Was it an error? Or does it simply wish to bring an end to this long-winded debate? Which, by the way, isn’t about to blow over anytime soon. Either way, again, the public feels they must take it upon themselves to become educated on the subject in order to make the best choices.This may be a small community of regular folks, but they don’t hate change, progress or technology. They do love their land, families and good health. They are, rightly so, wary of anything that might compromise that. With all the evidence out there supporting cause for their concerns, how anyone can blame them is well beyond us. Invenergy Canada is hosting a come-and-go information session at Veky’s Jan. 11 and 18 in the morning. We’d be wise to attend.- S.B.

Monday, January 9, 2012


I continue to unpack and today is a great day, I have curtains and 19 episodes of Popeye,. I love marianne faithful and carol king is on repeat. Could not be a better day when music makes your day. Thank you, I am back for all that care and thank you for caring

Sunday, January 8, 2012


A Letter From The One Per Cent
This ran on the Huffington Post…….. comments invited below
Ben Johnson
Toronto-based writer and performer
I’ve been asked by a representative from the infamous one per cent to deliver this letter to the 99 per cent and the Occupy movement protesters.

Dear 99 per cent,
On behalf of the one per cent, we just wanted to send you a sincere and heartfelt thank you for your recent efforts at the “Occupy” protests.
We, the wealthiest people in the world, are extremely grateful you took to the streets to get the word out about the insane lack of parity in wealth distribution in the United States and Canada, and we are glad that you gave the issue of corruption in the world’s financial markets a global stage.
No really, we are.
The truth is, yes, of course it’s pretty awesome being this wealthy. I’m dictating this to my personal assistant right now, who is riding shotgun while I’m speeding down the highway in my Ferrari throwing caviar out the window — I’m not even eating it! I bought this caviar just to huck it at other, lesser cars. What’s more, this is the only thing for which I use this particular car.
Sure, I’m living the dream now, but to level with you, before you guys started the Occupy movement, we were all just a little bit uneasy with the situation.
What I mean to say is, being able to buy and sell most of the other humans on the planet is great, but can you consider the relative unease that comes with amassing so much wealth and power, so quickly, so easily?
Put yourself in our shoes made from Iberian Lynx for a minute. It’s estimated that today we, the one per cent, control 40 per cent of the world’s wealth and that just 25 years ago, the corresponding figures were 12 per cent and 33 per cent. Surely, we all thought in this meteoric rise to history’s worst balance of wealth, someone, somewhere, would take notice and do something soon.
It’s been nerve-racking waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Yes, we still routinely gathered to laugh at the poor as we drank the world’s best scotches out of the hollowed-out skulls of endangered species, but it was not without the odd shaking hand or niggling doubt.
Once in a while, lighting one of the world’s finest cigars with flaming copies of corporate tax legislation, one of us would look around the country club, wave a diamond-studded sceptre, and shout, “Surely, it can’t be this simple to dupe so many people?! Some day they’ll come for us!”
And it really killed our buzz.
But now, thanks to your “protests,” we know we’re safe.
What I mean to say is that, thanks to your efforts, we now know there is absolutely nothing to fear and that we are comfortably entrenched as the ruling class.
Watching both the left and right wing media relegate coverage of your protests to short interviews with weird, fringe characters and watching how easy it was for the general public to simply ignore your efforts while they continued sucking down our corporate coffee-chain beverages and downloading music for which we pay artists a mere pittance, we breathed a collective Courvoisier-scented sigh of relief.
We dodged a real bullet.
Without a doubt your “movement” represented the largest potential threat to our ridiculously over-the-top well-being that we have ever had to face (sure, we had some anxiety when Obama was elected, but we’ve straightened all that out now).
I mean, the movement had real, scary potential. According to the communist information-sharing site Wikipedia, the Occupy movement started on September 17, 2011 and by October 9, protests had either taken place or were ongoing in over 95 cities across 82 countries, including over 600 communities in the United States. And yet…we’re still here, living large.
In fact, we’re hard pressed to find any unifying mission statements, any clear leaders within the movement, and, thankfully, any change in the situation you purport to be protesting at all.
Sure, the movement seemed like a big deal, but in reality, nobody really noticed.
Things are pretty much the way they were before.
Before you guys, headlines like this one in the National Post revealing that Canada’s CEOs make an average worker’s salary in just three hours would have been met with shushes, attempts to oppress the news, and possibly even hostile takeovers of the news source just to raze the organization responsible.
But now, thanks to your impotent efforts, we know that no one really cares how wealthy we get. We’ve seen your efforts and have been reassured that our face-meltingly stupid levels of wealth — amassed in a time where an estimated 25,000 people die every day because of hunger — are safe.
Now we can read headlines like the one in the Post with open, public, and enthusiastic high fives (conducted of course by our butlers while we look on from comfortable seats atop our saddled albino elephants).
So we just wanted to say thanks. I mean we always knew we were virtually unstoppable, but it’s nice to be just a little more sure of ourselves.
Fight the power and so forth. We think it’s hilarious.
The One Per Cent

Friday, January 6, 2012


Plaintiff in suit accepts some allegations
In statements of defence filed with the Ontario Superior Court the owners of Planet Lovers (P'Lovers) deny allegations brought by Perth Community Futures Development Corp. that their company benefited from funds misappropriated from the development corporation.
But the statement of defence submitted by company co-owner JD Graham does admit he breached his fiduciary duties at Community Futures to obtain personal financial benefits from the corporation.
The defendants, JD Graham and Susan Graham, also state they have "insufficient knowledge to plead" to a number of other specific allegations made in the statement of claim from Community Futures.
As reported earlier, the statement of claim alleges that JD Graham, when he was employed as loans manager with Community Futures prior to the end of April 2011, fraudulently diverted loan advances for legitimate borrowers to his company or personal accounts.
The development corporation alleges more than $540,000 was fraudulently diverted to the detriment of Community Futures and is seeking $1 million in recompense and damages from the defendants.
None of the allegations has been proven in court.
In their separate statements of defence, the Grahams deny that their company, in which they have shared ownership, benefited from alleged misappropriation of funds by JD Graham.
In her statement, Susan Graham denies receiving any personal benefit from misappropriated funds or that Planet Lovers (1394561 Ontario Limited) gained from JD Graham using personal and company bank accounts as a vehicle to deposit such funds.
The Grahams' Stratford and London stores continue to operate under conditions imposed by a court injunction. JD Graham is no longer a director of the business.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Water rate increase approved by council
December 21, 2011

NORTH PERTH – Residents of North Perth will be facing higher water and sewer rates after council approved an increase be phased in. Frances Hale, director of finance, presented a report at the Dec. 12 meeting of North Perth council, providing details on the increased rates. Hale said the increase was recommended after a study by BM Ross was presented to council in January this year, showing the rates needed to keep the water and wastewater system self-sustainable. After an initial proposal from Hale was deemed too high by council, a second option was presented a week later. "I do stress my concern that we are taking quite a time to catch up to the rates that we should have today," Hale said. "However, I do also understand council’s concern."Based on an average water usage of 18 cubic metres, a water and sewer customer paying $79.43 bi-monthly in 2011 would pay $87.94 next year, an increase of about $50 a year. The scheduled rate for 2016 is $129.35 bi-monthly for the same usage. Hale said other municipalities are facing the same increases as North Perth, and the rates are comparable with theirs. "We might have a little higher percentage increase, but compared to some of our neighbours, we’re still very reasonable," Hale said. "I just had a look at Stratford and we’re not crazy in comparison."... Please read more in this weeks Listowel Banner