Friday, January 14, 2011


Accordingly, I am making the following recomendations:
1. The ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services should take steps to revise or replace the Public Works Protection Act. If the governmemnt wants to claim the authority to designate security areas to protect persons, an integrated statute should be created that could be used not only to protect public works but also provide proper authority for ensuring the security of persons during public events when required.
2. The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Safety Services should examine whether the range of police powers conferred by the Public works Protection Act should be retained or imported into any revised statute, including whether it is appropriate to give police the authority to arrest those who have already been excluded entry to secured areas, and whether it is appropriate to authorize guards and peace officers to offer conclusive testimony, whether righ or wrong, about the location of security boundaries
3 The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services should develop a protocal that would call for public information campaigns when police powers are modified by suboordinate legislation, particularly in protest situations.
4. The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services should report back to my Office in six months' time on the progress in implementing my recommedations and at six month intervals thereafter until such time as I am satified that adequate steps have been taken to address them

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