Friday, October 29, 2010


Please respond to this new post... Please leave your comments and share any stories you wish to share about your voting experience
on October 25/2010
Cambridge Ontario, polling Stations Reduced from 238-50, Voting Public not Notified!..Seniors/Handicapped left stranded, Voters turned away! Local and National Press ignoring our story?

Then please send it to everyone on your mailing list.

CAMBRIDGE DESERVES A DO OVER.. Our right to a fair vote was encumbered....


Alan said...

Latest info I got from Debbie Vitez of the Cambridge Advocate is that the total number of polling stations was only 42!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the current electoral process is an accurate representation of true democracy. If it were, there would be a NONE OF THE ABOVE box for us to check on the ballot.

Municipal, provincial and federal election polling numbers are declining and I don't believe it's entirely due to laziness. Unfortunately, few people such as yourself (Sherrie) run for the betterment of their community and to ensure fair and honest government. Sadly, it's more a question of 'who you know' than 'what you know'.

This election, no candidates canvassed at my door. Those that bothered to do anything, slipped flyers in my mailbox. Their "CV's" seemed more like advertising/job applications than an honest campaign for a seat at council.

I also believe that a lot of us are just tired of not being heard, not being listened to and treated like children instead of sovereign citizens. Our council man or woman is to be our voice at council - not our adversary.

How many Ontarians signed petitions, wrote and spoke to their MPP's and MP's and sent articles to local papers, radio and tv stations, begging for the HST to be put on hold until the economy improved? Were we listened to? No. So, what's the point of voting? If the people we elect don't represent the majority, then why should we bother?

Trading one bad apple for another doesn't give you anything more than a bad apple, in my opinion.