Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It has been 10 years since the Walkerton Water Tragedy and we are here 10 years later and what have we learned. We have learned that people when not forced to go by the law or forced to be accountable make big mistakes. And we really do not want such a big mistake to happen again. Big mistakes can change peoples lives forever and in some causes kill you.
It is good that the issue is again back in the public. The quality of someones water can affect their life and the Municipalities who are in charge of the water going to everyones tap needs to be held accountable, and not only to the Ontario Water Source Protection Agency and their laws and guidelines to make sure that we are getting the quality of water we are paying so much for. But also to the taxpayer who is paying for the water and possibly may become sick in the future because someone made a mistake.
again just my opinion


Anonymous said...

Sherrie: I assume your personal issues were the result of drinking water. Out of curiousity was it Municipal water, private deep drilled well or shallow well? Al agm


Thanks for your comment. I am sorry if I can not make a definite answer to your question. It was a township/municipally owned well. We are not sure if it was a drilled well or a dug well or both, now that it has been decommissioned no one knows. But it was a large well that used to be used by the township to fight fires in my area of town and seeing as it took so much stone dust to fill I would assume it was quite big. We are still unsure that is was decommissioned properly but do know that no one cared about the water quality.