Friday, November 4, 2011


What a wonderful idea. Doing random acts of kindness for one day of the year. Sorry I think it should be everyday and that is what I do. Hold doors open for people, say hi and just be a great citizen of the community. My move has been very hard but something that was not very hard was deciding on what to do with my free digester. Muelensteen Tires in North Perth holds a green day every year and gives away green products to help us be good to Mother Nature and be responsible for our waste. Last year was rainbarrels and this year was digesters which is one step up from a composter. When I read the letter to the editor in the Listowel Banner about the vandalsim of the composter at Central Public School I decided to donate my digester to them so it would be put to good use. They were so very happy to get it and I am sure they will put it to good use and learn lots of information on how to be responsible for the waste we all produce and how not to pollute the area we live in, also known as taking care of Mother Nature. If you took part in random acts of kindeness day, and it did not hurt, keep it up. Our communities need it. And I am back


Alan said...

Glad your back!


Thanks Alan. Still lots of tears but I'll be back soon and someone to be reckoned with, be sure of it.