Friday, June 3, 2011


An amazing event is coming to North Perth. On Wednesday June 8, 2011 the Portraits of Honour national tour will be at the Listowel Memorial Arena from 3 pm to 9 pm. Portraits of Honour art display by Cambridge resident David Sopha is a national tribute to our falllen soldiers and includes Kurtzville native Master Cpl Anthony Klumpenhouwer who died in April of 2007 while on duty in Afghanistan in April 2007. Admission is by donation for the Military Family fund.


Alan said...

I've never underestimated the amount of luck which brought my father and two Uncles home from World War 11. They each had close to five years of active duty (navy & air force) and returned intact. All three are long gone now but they all came back and raised families.


Thanks Alan for the comment. We have 2 young men from this area that will never have the experience of growing old. We need to bring them home and stop sacrificing our people for causes that will never be won.

Alan said...


Anonymous said...

We also need to learn to mind our own business.

Foreign policy meddling is an invitation to controversy.

Alan said...

Agreed again. Sherrie clearly it's not the business of Canadian citizens to be commenting on what our governments do. Afterall they never make mistakes plus Steve Harper is almost perfect anyways.

Alan said...

Sherrie: I've just reread comment #4 and I think I may have totally misinterpreted it the first time around. If you also think so and want to remove my comment #5 I'll understand.