Friday, February 25, 2011


I ask my readers to indulge me in this post. It is not the usual but it is something that I need to post.
I have a wonderful elderly neighbour who had major hip surgery done a few months ago. She has been a wonderful friend since the day we moved to this property and we help her anyway we can. She is just a wonderfully kind, caring and honest woman who lives alone and although she has family, we live right next door, where her best friend used to live and we love her friendship and help her anyway we can. When I can I cook enough food I take some to her, we bring wood in for her to keep her fire going, shovel the snow, go to lunch with her, take her to appointments and help her with any problems she has if we can. If she had not had the help of another wonderful woman she would not have been able to recooperate in the home she has lived in for so many years and would have had to go to a nursing home. The care she received from this wonderful woman made such an amazing difference. She gave care and companionship and was there for her while she got better. The personal support was just not there from the normal mainstream healthcare that we expect and this woman, a stranger took it upon herself to help this woman out 24 hours a day until she was better, without the expectation of financial gain, but out of the goodness of her heart,and I personally on this blog would like to thank her for giving of herself to help someone else.This is something that is really lacking in our communities these days. Helping each other just does not seem to be important anymore. I would like to provide this womans name to let people know who this wonderful woman is, but can't, but I want to thank her for all the help she has given my neighbour because people who do good things do not hear often enough what a great job they have done and how much what they have done is so greatly appreciated. THANK YOU


Alan said...

Sherrie: In my pessimistic moments I tend to bemoan the apathy of Canadians however your posting has reminded of the basic decency of human beings. My wife has just returned home today after surgery and I am humbled by the well wishes and concern of friends and relatives. Also our two children have taken time out of their jobs and schooling to be with their mother for several days in a row during her out of town surgery. Yes people may tend to be apathetic in regards to politics and the environment but they are still very much involved when difficult times arise and they see a need.


Thanks for the comment Allan and all my best to your wife while she recooperates. I feel strange in this world because I live this way everyday, helping out my fellow man. Not just in times of need but everyday. It would be a much better world if more people did.